About Avery: "What Inspires My Writing"

Doing something different today, and just sharing a few things that inspire my writing and why I enjoy it so much!


Writing about the things I've learned from life is what gives power to my thoughts and words. In fact, it's the hardest part for me; to share with the world what I've gone through just for people to take in all the information of an experience, in hopes that they leave my page feeling a little more confident and worthy.

What I believe makes this interesting, is that I can't fully publish an article until the subject (or topic) has come to a close in my life. For example, my previous post "4 Powerful Ways to Practice Self-Love" was published after I made a huge stride in the development of self-love, and was finally able to close that chapter (for now, anyway). The newer the experience, the fresher my memory. I want my words to be impactful, knowing passion and leading by example make the most impact. The way I see it, itโ€™s harder for me to lead with passion unless I know for a fact that I've fought through a challenge hard enough to win myself over. I will not be overcome by any adversity, and that's my stance today. I want my posts to be of certain conviction, to let anyone know that people have a story that created the person they are today. These chapters that we all go through are painful, and some people experience them in different ways. I personally believe that God knows the only way I can really grow through something is to feel it deeply. Passion is a strong and compelling emotion, which must be deeply felt in order to be expressed. Going through challenges later become a blessing, because each challenge has offered me a newer, grand perspective. So now I can look a challenge in the eye, and know that I will become the next best version of myself coming out of it.

I do however, struggle with putting emotion into words. It's something I try to practice often by journaling. I take in a lot of energy around me and process it, including my experiences! If I'm going through a period where self-love and/or inner peace is one of my weaknesses, I am working on processing it, then relaying the internal message through my writing. As I slowly show you guys a little bit of who I am, it allows me to open up more and more about the experiences that shape me, to better help you! (Hint: my platform Strength Over Silence). Anyway, I think you get the point!


"The question is not what you look at, but what you see."

One of the best gifts God has given me is a changing perspective. When we enter a challenge, it's so important to find various ways of looking at it! One of the ways this is helpful is looking at your situation objectively, or detached from the outcome. Our first instinct is to naturally delve into self-pity, or to be so negative that all you see is the problem instead of the blessing. It doesn't come easily of course, but I've found various ways to cope with that. 1) I reach out to close ones for advice, and ask someone to offer a different perspective 2) Personally, I go for a run outside instead of going to the gym. It opens my eyes to the beauty around me 3) I pray, pray, pray for encouragement, and 4) sometimes it doesn't hurt to get inspired. Try opening a book, or listening to a podcast. You need something that will take away negativity and find something that gives you hope! I find that we're all often so busy with life, that we forget to take a step back to just be.

Sharing Stories TO SPREAD HOPE

Another aspect that inspires my writingโ€”that many people can probably relate toโ€”is empathy. Someone telling me a story that impacts me in a powerful way. I am genuinely inspired by stories of triumph and overcoming adversity, even when someone is currently going through it. I like to believe that maybe one day my writing will inspire those that look to power through a challenge, big or small. My platform "Strength Over Silence" signifies how empowering it can feel to share your story, and to encourage others to do the same. There is something so powerful about sharing something that was once hidden, or that was once so sacred, and is now used for others to know that they are not alone. (Please note that I still completely understand those who donโ€™t agree with sharing their story)


I'm going to say with my whole heart, that God is the reason I've gotten here today. Before I started writing, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my free time. After high school I quit dance, and no longer had a hobby. I just knew I have a deep desire to make a difference in the world. I had always wondered what activity I could be doing that would be of benefit to someone out there. So, I believe God put it in my heart to start writing! I know that as long as I do the work, God will do His part. I used to enjoy writing when I was younger, so I gave into my curiosity. Although my prayer life and my relationship with God aren so dang far from perfect, I know that He is still there directing me and subtly showing me what He's doing in my life, and in my writing!


It truly makes me happy to create a positive, uplifting community. It literally keeps me going. And this includes my readers! I feel purpose when I help people, so if you ever have anything you'd like to know, or have a question to ask, or need small advice, you can simply leave a comment or head over to my contact page!

Once I find my rhythm, you can expect posts more consistently. Thank you all so much for the support along the way!

xo, Avery


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