3 Reminders for Living in Uncertain Times

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Do you often catch yourself searching for answers to situations that seem uncertain or lack clarity? Do you find yourself dreaming up outcomes to certain scenarios just in case you need a plan? Or maybe you like to plan, and prefer to know everything that comes next. Maybe this gives you anxiety.

Maybe you’re looking for more in your career, and you don’t know what to do next. Maybe you don’t know where a relationship is headed, and it makes you anxious. Maybe you don’t know where your life is headed, so you try to plan out your life—but nothing goes according to plan. Whether you’re uncertain about your career, relationships, spiritual life, home life, or just life in general… Here’s what you should be certain of:


Consider that this season you’re in is meant to be uncertain. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but let it sink in. Truly. I’ve been trying to figure out the answers to all of my questions for years. I’m someone that must have everything planned out, and that makes me prone to anxiety. So learning to understand that I’m not supposed to have all the answers was a long process of fighting for my peace versus knowing what’s next. One day it hit me, that the answers aren’t meant to be figured out. I learned that I was spending more time fighting myself for an answer rather than experiencing the peace I want to feel. It wasn’t until I decided to break the cycle and accept that I don’t know the answers, and that maybe…just maybe, I’m not supposed to.

I’ve come to learn that we’re in this season because life is showing us that some of the best chapters to come are the ones that we never saw coming.

Know that these answers are meant to be revealed in due time.


You are the author of your own book of life. Imagine when you started writing your book, you knew the book from start to end. The summary of your book would be predictable, plain, and boring. Now imagine that when you’re writing your book, you write as you go. You record your experiences by the day as you experience them. You tell your audience of the surprises and changes you’ve encountered but never knew you prepared for. That’s exactly how life is supposed to be.

If you’d ask me why we’re not supposed to have all the answer to life’s uncertainties, I’d tell you…

If we knew the answer, we may run from it. If we knew the outcome, we may avoid it from happening. We may get scared or fearful of what happens next, and may spend time paranoid or in avoidance. Or we may get too excited and jump ahead when we’re not ready. I believe God is using this season, your circumstances, and your uncertainty as a period of long-term growth that will lead you into new ways of being and thinking. But how is there peace in this uncertainty?


Please know that if it’s meant to be—if you’re supposed to have an answer to your current situation, you’d have one! We end up in this season because the place where we’re being taken next requires us to fully accept that we were never in control. It’s about embracing the uncertainty in your path. So what assignment do we have in these uncertain times? To embrace the moment. In fact, once we find rest and peace within the moment, answers come. It’s within the silence of where you are right now, where peace is found. Be patient with yourself, and give yourself grace. You don’t have to know your whole life journey by tomorrow. Relax, surrender, and find courage in the act of letting go. ♡

xo, Avery

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