Reminders For When You Feel Stuck
“You have to stop thinking you’ll be stuck in this situation forever. We feel like our heart will never heal or we’ll never get out of this impossible struggle. Don’t confuse a season for a lifetime. Even your trials have an expiration date. You will grow, life will change, things will work out.” Brittney Moses
This quote really stuck out to me, because I’m going through this challenge right now. I have been feeling stuck in the same situation for a couple months. Graduating from college and going out into the real world is a huge adjustment, with many trial and errors. Finding my place and my purpose in the business world isn’t the most settling process. So after taking several different routes to “find my niche” or my “thing”, I almost feel that I haven’t seen an outcome from my efforts… yet. It’s hard, not knowing exactly where my future is headed. Feeling like I don’t have much control over my situation. All I know is where I am now in this moment, and phew, it’s frustrating! Why do I share this? Just in case you’re in this boat, too! You’re not alone.
Similar posts you might like: “Post-Grad Depression: If you’re suffering, you are not alone.”
On a positive note, I do rest in faith. I know that everything happens for a reason, and in that, everything has a season. I place my anxiety in God’s hands, as I get ready for the next day. The key? KEEP PUSHING. Don’t give up! Just wait until you see what God has in store for you, it will all make sense some day. But what you need to know for now is that you can put your mind to rest and know that this situation won’t last forever.
More posts like this: “What God Says in Your "Season of Waiting”
Here are a few quotes that motivate me through this period of uncertainty. Try using it this Monday to start your week off right:
Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure everything out. Turn to God, He has a plan.
If you saw the size of the blessing coming, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you’re fighting.
Life is not happening to you, life is responding to you. Change the way you perceive your situation.
Those with the capacity to feel great pain are also those with the capacity to feel deep joy. Those who fall hard, rise gloriously.
Also, another tip to use this Monday: Use this time to get rid of clutter. Why? Clutter clouds up space in the mind, as well as procrastination and unmade decisions. Get rid of anything that you don’t need or use. (And I’m not just talking about physical space, either!)
Stay Strong and Happy Monday!
“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1