4 Tips To Declutter + Reorganize Your Closet For Spring


Is anyone else super excited for warmer weather? Now that Spring is finally upon us, it’s time to do a seasonal closet swap! Pulling out all the warm weather clothes, shoes and even hitting up the stores to pick up some of the latest spring fashion is enough to put a smile on anyone’s face!! While working through all of this, now is the time to get your closet organized. Carve out a few hours and follow a few essential tips to help enjoy the manageability of a well organized closet. You’ll be amazed at how much time you also save while knowing where everything is, being able to actually see it all and knowing that everything fits. Being organized + having storage space = peace of mind, am I right?

1. Declutter + Purge: One of the hardest things for me is taking inventory with what I have in my closet—that of which I will actually wear, and what I want to get rid. A few big questions I seriously need to ask myself with each piece is: Do I wear it? Does it still fit? Do I love it or does it need repair? For example, are you afraid to get rid of your favorite sweater from college because it’s sentimental *face palm* or is it ok to move on? You might also be nervous about getting rid of an item you splurged on, feeling like you should hold onto it because it was expensive (guilty). In fact, if you feel a trigger of any of those feelings of anxiety, it’s important to pack it up guuuurl. Have you heard of the one-year-rule?

If you haven’t worn it in a year, it’s probably time to remove it from you closet.

Donating these items can also give you a sense of satisfaction knowing that someone else can enjoy it. Consider also donating those shoes, handbags and clothes to a charitable organization as well. Some are designer pieces and some might even put a few dollars back in your wallet for something new. 

2. Clean: Once you have purged everything, you need to clean. This is also a great way to pull everything (and I mean truly everything) out of your closet. This includes dusting the shelves, rods, bins, boxes and vacuuming the floor! And if you’d like, it’s also a great time to assess the paint color of your walls! You’ll be amazed at how a fresh coat of paint can impact your mood when you step into a room (even if your closet is small ). I know it can be time consuming, or perhaps overwhelming, but a good declutter and cleaning spree should be done at least once or twice a year! Otherwise, this will take more time and stress attempting to navigate a cluttered and messy closet that is full of items you haven’t used for a long time. 


3. Organize: A closet should have a mixture of shelves, hooks, hanging rods and some vacant floor space. If you a have a smaller closet, be sure to use the space behind or over the door for extra space. Put some clothes and shoes you use and wear regularly within reach. I personally love my shoe storage racks (they were only $7 each from Walmart). Store the rest of the items by season, or put some rarely used items up high or out of sight (aka in another room or under your bed). By the way, I LOVE using these gray storage bags from Amazon (pictured above). I ordered mine in “light grey” and they’re great for storing seasonal clothes, bedding, comforters, etc. They’re large but also fold to fit many small places (such as under the bed) or stacked on top of one another in the closet. They come in a pack of 3 in order to maximize all your vertical space, and if it’s in your budget, consider installing shelves to the ceiling! Having top shelves are the perfect place to store out of season items in a clear bin that is labeled, so it’s easy to grab and use when you want too. Personally, I love to organize my clothes by category such as grouping “like” items together such as dress pants, blouses and casual shorts. I also love having them organized by color too, making it easier to grab and coordinate outfits at a glance!

Image: Gameday Moving Services Houston

Image: Gameday Moving Services Houston

4. Hire A Moving Company To Move Unused or Seasonal Items To Storage: If you live in the city or a small condo, you might not have a lot of room to hold all your items. In that case, having a storage unit to help house all your seasonal items and extra boots is key! A moving company, such as Gameday Moving Services Houston, can help you with this! Not only can they help pack up your seasonal items in boxes, but they can also assist in moving you both short or long distance moves in Houston, Texas. They pack your items thoroughly so they make it to the required destination completely unscathed. Gameday Moving Services can also move speciality pieces such as grandfather clocks, antiques or pianos. They wrap any fragile items and will protect your furniture from being nicked or scratched during the process. 

So what are you waiting for friends?! Now is the time to think about how you want to get your closet organized, to show off the pieces that make you feel beautiful. and to enjoy splurging on a few other items to expand your wardrobe (woop woop!!). I can’t wait to hear how you’ll be organizing, purging and enjoying your newly organized closet. 

xo, Avery

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Hi, I’m Avery!

I share all things affordable style, decor, life advice, organization tips, or pieces of my story (even the not-so-pretty moments). In all I do, I aim to keep it real. Ultimately, I hope this is a space that leaves you feeling inspired to live brightly + confidently, on the inside and out!